Prayers and Blessings
Inspired by and written for the neighborhood.
Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer
Help us learn as a community
To walk in your ways of peace and humility
Rather than our own ways of violence and pride
We turn to you in prayer and you point us to
The grace of your Gospel
The Good news of Jesus Christ
Where radical forgiveness is found
In a man arrested, incarcerated, and crucified
Emmanuel – God with Us
Jesus – who died for each of us
Lord let your Amazing Grace transform our community
Let your Kingdom come
Where swords are beaten into plowshares
And guns are melted and molded into garden tools
And tanks are transformed into tractors
Be a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path
That we may follow the example of your disciples
As we strive to share everything you provide
In common with the community.
Bless our hands, touch our hearts, move our feet
Walk alongside us this day and every day
As we walk in your grace praying
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done.
Peas and Love Prayer
We bring you these vegetables – grown with love in the soil of the Okra Abbey from the bountiful grace of the Lord our God – our creative Creator
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
May you be nourished by this produce
May you be nurtured by this prayer and
May you be nudged by the Spirit each time you see this prayer to
Pray for your brothers and sisters working and worshipping in the Abbey
Come to the Garden
On Sundays so many go sit in church – but do they visit their own souls?
Come to the garden, come to the garden – till the soil of your soul.
People seeking God read books, listen to podcasts – yet fail to listen to what’s inside themselves.
Come to the garden, come to the garden – let your hands feel the dirt.
And remember that you are the Creator’s creation and God’s beloved.